(Sigh) Its in development again. But, dont worry Im not backing out of this game. I already have 3 bosses(1 a tutorial). I can give you updates and a run-down of the mechanics
Do you remember Final Fantasy o-or Undertale...(Cough...Deltarune)? We'll Im using a similar mechanic, but you have energy that you need to watch, if It gets too low then you will have to attack.
Energy usages
Attack- 0, Attacks(duh)
Special- 30 energy, All enemies have their own specials.
Block- 5 energy, Blocks...
Heal- 10 energy, refreshing~.
Kindness- 4 energy 4 Kindness, Kinda like giving mercy except you press the button multiple times( WILL NOT WORK ON SOME BOSSES). Lastly, Flee- 0 energy, Dont ever pick this option. It grants you nothing, exceptt a cool little text from the boss...But thats it!
Ill keep updates coming!
Update1: ScratchDummy added!
Update2:BigRoid(JQ1) Added!
Update3: Jack(Cowboy guy) being added...Update coming later.